imagine an event...

Imagine an event which supported everyone on the beautiful Isle of wight in the book industry. from the wordsmiths to the cover designers, the editors to the agents, we've got them all.Welcome to Kiterature.

what is kiterature?

Kiterature is a literature event hosted by young writer kit kanthan to celebrate the isle of wight's creative spirits. from writers to agents, we'd love to include everyone and shine a light on the book-loving side of our little island.As the website and the event itself are still very young, you can expect to see things popping up here frequently. we are looking to gather a sponsors page nearer the time as well as a gallery during/after the event, but before this, we will be posting frequent updates and news.

everyone's allowed

during the kiterature convention, there will be surplus chances to look around at vendor's stalls and visit talks. vendors will be selling their own books and merchandise and speakers will have the opportunity to talk about their books, their journeys and their inspirations.mingle with like-minded people and discover new opportunities and hidden gems.we pride ourselves on being an inclusive environment. we are wheelchair accessible and lgbtq+ friendly -- you will be able to find free pronoun badges if you'd like one.


If you'd like to get involved as a vendor, speaker, volunteer or if you'd like to sponsor us, get in contact! 2023. all rights reserved. Photo by Nathan Mcdine via unsplash.